Optimal Ways to Boost Your Creative Mind

I’m writing this as the glimpse of spring is upon us. This is the time where I am getting out of hibernation and getting active on the goals I’ve set for the year. This is also a time where I need to consistently remind myself to devote more energy to the side projects that I’m working on and bring to front what I value most to accomplish this year.

However, this transition is not an easy one as I tend to stall and stare blankly into my work as I wonder why I am not generating any ideas. Those creative blocks are quick to set in and veer me off course. This is not a “hustle culture” fear, because I will always advocate for rest, but more of a readiness to put in the work, but not feeling the creative juices flowing.

There are times when I struggle to get myself in the state of flow, what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes as ‘a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter.’ So I need to take a step back and take on some things that get me back in to the flow of the creative work that I love doing.

These are some of the things I do to boost my creative mind:


Meditation came in tandem as I began my career in product design and it has become a daily practice. My preferred time is in the morning as I am sitting with a glass of water and a mug of coffee, but any opportunity to take a 10 minute break and rest my brain helps me reset and go on with my day with a calmer outlook and less anxiety. Meditation is not something easy to master…that’s why it’s often referred to as a meditation “practice.” Consistency is key to bring results.

My go-to resource is Headspace, but there are also many free guided meditations on Youtube and Instagram.


Exercise has been a requirement for me for the past several years. This was something I dreaded so much in my youth, as I was never athletic growing up and the thought of cardio made me want to take a nap instead. I’ve now found activities that I enjoy, like pilates, barre, and walking around my neighborhood, that are great for my physical and mental health.

Get yourself outside, go for a walk, or take a yoga class. Basically get your body moving and raise those endorphins. Hate working out alone, convince a buddy to join you.


Draw, color, get a pen to paper and scribble. I was always the one who had doodles all over my notebooks at school and I am definitely guilty of that in my work notebooks now. In doing this, I noticed an increase in inspiration as I evolved my sketches with my thoughts.


The options are limitless here. Books, articles, podcasts any and all genres apply. I prefer non-fiction, as I love to learn new things, but I always prioritize at least one fiction book to read per year to challenge my imagination and way of thinking. One year, I even allowed myself to read a sci-fi book that was recommended by a friend. I hate sci-fi, but it was an opportunity to think about the future of tech. It certainly opened my mind into exploring more.


I don’t need to site studies on the value of good nights sleep. We all know how important sleep is for our livelihood, and pulling all-nighters is just going to wear you out in the long run. Whether you are an early-bird or a night-owl, a good sleep schedule will be optimal for your creative, and well rested mind.

Got any other methods to get your creative flow going? Let me know in the comments what works best for you!


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